Today is the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council & the Fourth Sunday of Luke. It is the feast of Apostle Philip of the Seventy, One of the Seven Deacons.
Today’s Epistle is Titus (3:8–15)
Today’s Gospel is The the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke (8:5–15)
I find writing westerns easier to engage than writing horror. I suspect we are so far in clown world, that even writing a world with a functioning set of values and a useful moral compass is freeing. The story I’m working on, tentatively titled “Camel Claim”, has been easier to get my butt in the chair to work on than anything for a while.
Although I’ve also strung more days together than I have in a long time. That could be the reason as well.
D4: The Battle of Tours
D6: The Siege of Vienna
The battle of Tours seems to be almost unknown today, despite being the source of the Carolingian dynasty in France. It, along with the bulwark that The Eastern Roman Empire would provide for another seven centuries would mostly define the expansion of Dar al-Islam in Europe.
While the fall of the east would lead to the expansion of the Ottoman Sultanate into the Balkans, it would have been accomplished centuries earlier. Even after the expansion was complete, Constantinople remained a symbolic thorn in the side of the Turks until it fell in 1453. The Ottoman expansion its fall set off would end less than a century later in The Siege of Vienna.
D8: Memories of Cats
I don’t want to live in a world where we neither have cats nor the time to remember the ones we’ve had.
It appears “western anthology” on Kindle is all about sex books and romance.
This has been a hot, lot points of contact ruleset for a while, but I missed it until earlier this summer. I’d like to give it a shot.
Book of the Week

Being a fan of Robert Heinlein appears to involve giving away books on a regular basis. I’ve given away Starship Troopers and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress plenty of times. I’ve given away Friday and Glory Road. I am sure I’ve given away one or more of the juveniles. But if I think about it, I’ve given away Expanded Universe the most.
It has some of Heinlein’s most interesting thought. I covers a period so you can see his thinking evolve. It has some short stories never published in book form elsewhere, most important being a few Puddin’ stories. It includes both what inspired him to write Starship Troopers and his defense of that novel.
It includes the very correct prediction that the microprocessor would change the process of courting and finding mates as much or more as the automobile did.
Yet, until this past week, I haven’t had a copy in at least a decade. I found a used trade paperback this week and what I consider the most indispensable of his books is back on my shelf.
Song of the Week
Continuing the October theme of songs from my radio hosting days we get to
This week is Black Tape for a Blue Girl. I saw them live while Sam and Lisa were still married. Lisa was very pregnant. My biggest memory of that show was the DJ set after and Elysabeth Grant dancing in the crowd with the rest of us.
“Shadow of a Doubt* is from the album they had just released, The Scavenger Bride and is a cover of a Sonic Youth song.
Video of the Week
I think the title is self-explanatory. My one comment is she had some excellent book selections, especially the Feynman lectures.
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