Given we died in character creation yesterday, let’s try to do advanced character generation again, but opening it to any of the five official versions. Details on parts can be found in our first Traveller character from Day 4 and Book 4: Mercenary character from yesterday.
Rolling up our UP we get 6662A7. Again, the Army is the best shot as DX of 6+ gives +1 and EN 5+ gives a +3 to a recruitment roll of 5+. We cannot fail enlistment. We did infantry yesterday and a sort of scout/cavalry two days ago. Let’s go with artillery today.
The first year of our first term is training again with Gun Combat-1 and a 6 on the MOS table yields Computer-1. I must take the Gun Combat as Combat Rifleman-1.
Our first assignment, in year two, is staff, so a unit assignment. An 8 on the unit assignment table is garrison duty. This assignment has automatic survival but no chance for decoration. We do get to roll for promotion on a 7+. An eight advances us from private to lance corporal. Garrison also has no skill roll.
Year three of the term sees us again on unit assignment. Again we get an 8 so only roll for promotion. A 6+1 for our education of 7+ against a target of 7+ sees us bumped up to Corporal. We are now an NCO.
The fourth and final year of our first term is once again a unit assignment. This time we’re sent to a training command. Again, there is no survival or decoration roll. A 3+1 fails to meet the promotion target of 6+. We do get a skill roll. A 10 beats the7+ for skills and we get a skill roll on Army Life, Artillery MOS, or NCO Skills table. I pick the NCO Skills table and a 3 nets Tactics-1.
Time to see if we can reenlist. A 9 beats the 7+ target and I decide to stay a second term.
My fifth year in the army sees me off to a special assignment out of school. I pull recruiting duty. The only result is a Recruiting-1 skill.
Year six in the army-o is a second special assignment, OCS. I get a roll for a staff skill, a command skill, and an additional MOS skill. My rolls are 2, 4, and 3. I get Forward Observer-1, Heavy Weapons-1, and Vehicle-1. I take Grav Vehicle-1. I apply the Heavy Weapons to Autocanon-1.
I’m now a 2nd Lieutenant.
I remain on special duty in year 7. This time, I’m sent to Intelligence School. With the lowest possible IQ score in the game of 2, I am now the great example of an oxymoron. I pick up two of the four possible skills, Bribery-1 and Streetwise-1.
Bucking for command I get a 2-1 on the general assignment table. I’m sent on a counter-insurgency unit with my own artillery battery. A 9 easily tops the survival target of 5+. I miss the 10+ for a decoration with an 8. My 6+1=7 fails short of the 9 for promotion. A 7 just barely misses a skill increase.
Term two complete, I look to see if the army still wants me. A 10 tops 7+ and I decide to do one more term.
I start the term on the same counter-insurgency mission. I get an 8 for survival, a 3 for decoration, and an 8 total for promotion surviving but not distinguishing myself. Again, a 7 just misses a new skill.
The insurgency is over or at least down-graded to a police action where I continue commanding my battery in the second year of my third term. A 5 barely meets the 5+ survival target and I am wounded. I receive the Purple Heart. That’s the only decoration as my 6 misses the 9+ decoration target. A 6+1=7 also misses the 8+ promotion target. Snake eyes means no skills.
This term has been a non-event except for my injury and Purple Heart. A staff posting at a training command seems like a good place to wind down my term. I have no survival or decoration roll and as a commissioned officer I am not eligible for promotion. Again I miss a skill by one, rolling a 6 against a 7.
I don’t want to reenlist, but I need to roll. On box cars the army decides I’m staying anyway. A 7 means I’m free to go or to stay. We return to Book 1 for mustering out. We get 3 rolls for 3 terms plus 1 more roll for Rank 1. I’ll split them evenly between the benefits and cash table. My benefits rolls are 3 and 4. I get ED +2, raising it to C, and a gun. I’ll take the Advanced Combat Rifle (ACR). My cash rolls are 2 and 3 yielding 5,000 and 10,000 Credits.
I muster out. We haven’t named our character yet. I remember the commander of Confederate artillery at Picket’s Charge from the movie Gettysburg, one Porter Alexander. I’ll quick reverse that to Alexander Porter.
Here’s the final character’s resume in the Book 4 format.
Alexander Porter 6662C7 Army, three terms. Enlisted in Artillery
Final Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Special Assignments: Recruiting, OCS
Awards and Decorations: Purple Heart
Equipment Qualified On: ACR, Grav Vehicle, Autocanon
Skills: Combat Rifleman-1, Computer-1, Tactics-1, Forward Observer-1, Grav Vehicles-1, Autocanon-1, Bribery-1, Streetwise-1
Credits: 15,000
Equipment: Advanced Combat Rifle
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